Private Lessons
Private lessons are offered on all popular instruments and voice. We have found that private one-on-one instruction allows students to progress at their own pace and gain the best understanding of musical techniques. Student can start private lessons as young as 5 years old. Students can start private lessons any time of the year or month so there is no need to wait to get started. Varieties of styles are taught such as pop, jazz, rock and classical. Contact the school office to see which times and days are available.
Recitals and Concerts
Students are given an opportunity to perform in recitals held over the course of the year. Family and friends are invited to enjoy the performances.
Group Programs
Preschool Music Program
The preschool music program is a fun, group class for children ages 3-5, designed to teach the basics of music. All classes are limited to 6 students per class and are 30 minutes once per week. The classes cover:
- Movement and music
- Learning to sing and listen
- Making music with percussion instruments
- Recognition of orchestral instruments
- Rhythm
- Melody
- Elementary note recognition
Preschool Dance and Music Class Combination
If your child loves to sing & dance then this is the class for them!
Enjoy lots of personal attention in our small classes with only 6 students per class. Your children will greatly benefit by having a specialist in preschool dance for the dance part of the class and a specialist in preschool music teach the music part. The class will be 1 hour long with ½ hour of dance and ½ hour of music.
In the music part of the class students will:
- Enjoy lots of singing to teach many musical concepts
- Learn about rhythm with games and percussion instruments
- Learn about the instruments in the orchestra
- Learn basic note and music notation recognition
In the dance part of the class students will:
- Learn basic dance steps
- Learning to sing and listen
- Work on creative movement
- Work on sequencing
- Learn a dance routine and be part of the year-end dance recital
Children's Choir
Ages 6-10. The choir program teaches vocal basics in a fun group session. Students learn proper warm-up and breathing exercises, and an introduction to harmony. The choir works on a wide range of musical styles from contemporary Disney songs to Christmas classics and historical folk songs.
Introduction to Music
The Introduction to Music Program is a group class for children ages 5-13. This class is designed as an enrichment class to strengthen their desire to learn music. The classes are 30 minutes, once a week. The classes involve vocal warm-up, elementary note reading, introduction to the basics of the keyboard, music history and rhythm development. This class is a good follow-up to our preschool music level 2 programs or for older students who do not yet feel ready for private lessons. It also is a great enrichment for any student who is in private instrument lessons.
Garage Band Program
A 12 week rock band program takes participants through the process of learning and rehearsing in their own band. Each rehearsal is 90 minutes once a week and is overseen by one of our experienced teachers who also are seasoned performers. At the end of the session, the musicians perform a rock concert attended by family, friends and the public. Each session is open to 2 guitar players, 2 bass players and 2 drummers.
Musical Theatre
Our musical theatre program teaches stage dance and includes a voice component. Our musical theatre program is unique in that in addition to providing a top quality dance instructor to teach the choreography, our musical theatre classes also have one of our voice teachers from our music school come in every week to cover the vocal component. This means that a teacher with a university degree in voice teaches all the students proper vocal technique.